Digitalizing Access to Care: How Self-Check-In Kiosks Shape Access to Care and Efficiency of Hospital Services
Auteurs: Ibrahim Loukili, Nicole Goedhart, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak en Christine Dedding
Responding to labor shortages and rising healthcare expenses, hospitals increasingly turn to self‐check‐in
kiosks to streamline service delivery and improve patients’ experiences. The purpose of this study was to
reflect on the implementation of these self‐check‐in kiosks in a Dutch university hospital, particularly in
relation to access to care for more vulnerable patients and intended efficiency goals. We followed a
technology‐in‐practice approach to better understand how new technologies shape care practices in
relation to in/exclusion and carried out an ethnographic action study involving desk research, participatory
observations, semi‐structured interviews, and reflection sessions with developers and hospital staff. Data
were analyzed through ethnographic content analysis. Our results show that although self‐check‐in kiosks
work well for some patients, many people experience practical and psychosocial difficulties, especially those
who go through a complex care pathway, are low‐literate, experience a distance the online world, or have
sensory, motor, or cognitive impairments. Kiosks are not yet attuned to these patients and typically leave
little flexibility and room for negotiation and personal support in what is, for many, a foreign environment.
Therefore, patients frequently seek confirmation and assistance from already downsized or busy staff.
In conclusion, we find that digitalization under the banner of efficiency within a healthcare system already
under pressure carries risks, as it can unintentionally generate extra (invisible) work for patients and care
professionals and threaten access to and quality of care for patients most in need. A more concentrated
effort on refining the digitalization of healthcare processes using an inclusive‐technology‐in‐practice
approach has the potential to contribute to fairer and more efficient care for all patients.
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