How will e-health affect patient participation in the clinic? A review of e-health
studies and the current evidence for changes in the relationship between medical
professionals and patients

Auteurs: Christine Dedding, Roesja van Doorn, Lex Winkler en Ria Reis

n this report we discuss the consequences of e-health for patienteclinician encounters. On the basis of
an analysis of the literature, we propose an analytical framework, composed of five different themes,
regarding the impact of e-health on the relationship between patients and their health professionals.
Internet health sites can: be or come to be a replacement for face-to-face consultations; supplement
existing forms of care; create favorable circumstances for strengthening patient participation; disturb
relations; and/or force or demand more intense patient participation. Though there is as yet insufficient
empirical evidence supporting these effects, we believe that distinguishing the proposed themes will
help to guide an in-depth discussion and further research. We conclude that in particular the redistri-
bution of tasks and responsibilities to patients in their daily lives requires more attention in future

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Afbeelding artikel How will e-health affect patient participation in the clinic? A review of e-health studies and the current evidence for changes in the relationship between medical professionals and patients


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